I am a journalist, researcher, and lecturer in media based in London. I also photograph.
My trajectory using photography started during my degree in journalism. At university, I could experiment with borrowed cameras while following 'realistic' photography, much influenced by photojournalism classes.
After living in various parts of the world, I learned the value of carrying my camera around to register scenes. I never knew what I was doing or why. Twenty years later, I developed a portfolio that comprises these impressions repurposed into lines of inquiry.
Here in this portfolio, I introduced a small sample of multiple focused on urban scenes. I would say I portray desires while observing public life as de-institutionalised or devoid of meaning as possible. I like to spot relationships between people and their immediate space. I like to be as voyeur as one can be.
I am currently editing my first book, including the series Cities, Blurs, and Shapes. Check out my website heltonlevy.net for more.
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